Thursday, July 22, 2010

MY Creative Space

Just recently I found a horrid picture in a frame at an op shop. I decided it would make a great inspiration board. I finished it and hung it in my bedroom. I can put my fav. vintage cards or doilies and trinkets on it to display!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My CURB side finds.

My suburb is in the midst of a council collection week. So its clean out items you dont need, trim the shrubs and trees and throw out those unwanted TVs etc that are outdated. I have seen on other blogs girls who like to rummage and collect "hard rubbish". Ive done so too. Here are some of my finds!!!! the tablecloth and cutlery I got at an op shop last week.

Monday, July 12, 2010

My flea market Finds

Here are some recent finds. Hop over to Sophies

Im combining a couple of weeks. Because Im always working and when I go op shoppong I dont find much. I scored a beautiful sage green chenille bedspread for $5. I got some more silverware and recently got a large frame which Im painting and fixing up.